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PurpleBondGirl, the real me

Who is PurpleBondGirl? I am a multi-faceted enigma, lol Who I am, what I am like in real life is very complicated. Sometimes I'm a complete bitch, other times I'm so soft hearted that everyone uses and abuses me. I've been married 2 times to men who were never worthy to be with me but I didn't see that until after they were gone. This has led me to live a single life, which I am perfectly content with. This game, and even more so, my club, is a big part of my life. There are 49 people depending on me to keep them growing in the game, always learning more and becoming stronger in the game. I have 2 dogs that are somewhat disabled. One is a 14 yr old Pomchi who has cancer. And my baby girl is a long haired Chihuahua who has bad knees and bad hips just like me, lol. Then there is a third. He is Bijou. He is a Daschund. Whatever possessed me to give a German dog a French name can't be explained. He is a problem and a constant source of stress. He came to me with very bad habits and I still am not sure if I will keep him or rehome him. He is barely over 1 yr old. I work at a Walmart as a door greeter. Its the only job my body will let me do and sometimes even that's a challenge. Below you can read about my inner workings but it may possibly more insight than you are prepared to know. I try to be thoughtful, compassionate, and fair in the game. I love teaching "newbies" how the game works and how they can be stronger. I've even made websites for many other clubs, as well as guiding some new presidents on their endeavor to have a successful club. My bitchy side will often come out at times when it shouldn't. I hate the clubs who come into my club and steal my members after they have become stronger and wiser under my guidance. However, I have learned that the members who choose another club in this mannor are not worth the trouble because they have, in an instant, proven they are not loyal, and therefore not worthy to remain a Purple. These types who go to a club that has seduced them into leaving are no better than a cheating spouse who leaves a devoted wife for a cheap hussy that wears too much make up and not enough clothes. I like to binge watch old tv shows on free channels while working on club duties or one of my websites. I don't think its necessary to mention my absolute love/passion for the color purple and it was explained elsewhere so I won't go into that again. My game name; purple is self explanatory. Bond, is my name, and girl is what I am. Mystery solved. A few years ago someone copied my name, was attempting to impersonate me as a guide, I am sure of this. But when I saw that she had taken my name, a very uncommon, and extrememly personal name that I have used for over 20 years and have attached to many things in my life, I was in no way going to allow it. She learned, very fast and hard, why you don't copy or impersonate others in this game.

THE DEEPER INNER WORKINGS OF ME READ THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Another facet of the real me is as follows; I was baptised at the age of 8 and was raised Southern Baptist but I prefer Pentecostal as an adult but, evenmoreso, I am a spirit on a human journey. I have personally experienced and endured the battle of good and evil for my soul. I have a very personal relationship with God. I believe in Jesus however, I do not believe every single thing in the Bible. I know the Bible was once a greater book than it is now. It was created to suit the times when kings and religion went hand in hand to rule over and control the masses. There have been too many hands in the creation of it. Having many vital books omited because they would teach the people more about the spirtual world than the rulers wanted them to know. The people would have gained knowledge that would have given them unforeseen power of their own and that simply could not be allowed. I do read it but I take the words with a grain of salt. I had my awakening in 2020 which wasn't as good for me as it has been for some. I did not get enlightened however, I was given some secret knowledge. I know a lot more now but what knowledge I was given has done me no more good than to see the world more clearly which has only made me more hardened as a person. I have little tolerance for stupidity, & entitlement. I strongly dislike cheaters, liars and traitors. Yes, I judge. Everybody does it. It is engrained into us as children. It is the biggest part of our conditioning. The world is so full of deceit and corruption, we are forced to judge so that we can navigate this human existence. It makes me yearn for the afterlife. Ever hoping that my next human life will be better, happier, and healthier. I know that every person born, no matter the religion, is conditioned to believe what others want them to believe. We are conditioned from the second we are born into this human world. Every "Religion" has a belief system. Is it right? Is it wrong? Is it true? Is it from God? That is entirely dependent upon who "created" it and why. I know for a fact that some so-called religions are nothing more than cults, designed to futher corrupt and control the masses. I could be a bitch and name some of them but since it doesn't effect me personally, I don't care to do that. My beliefs come from God. Not a religion and not a book. I believe in reincarnation and I believe we live and relive many lives, learn many lessons and as our spirit grows we are a better person in the next human life we are given. I believe that our spirit chooses which lives to experience, and there is always something to be learned from that human experience. What we have taken from our past lives helps our spirit to grow and become closer to God. I believe there are multiple deminsions and that it is our vibration that allows us to visit them. I believe we can achieve more if we can overcome worldly views and worldly conditioning that some call "The ego". We absolutely have the ability to control our own vibration and reach a higher level of "knowing". Just a few years ago I had a much higher vibration but I have allowed the evil in the world and in my life to beat me down and corrupt me in ways I haven't been able to overcome but one day I will find a way. I also believe that death only comes at a time that is predetermined before we are born, in an agreement with God. Even in death there is a lesson to be learned no matter what the mannor of death it happens to be. If your time is not up, you will not die. I am proof of that. I have faced death many times in my life, as a child and as an adult. I have had 2 out of body experiences but neither one of them was profound and they both happened when I was young. I know for a fact that suicide is not the unforgivable sin. Only the denial of God can not be forgiven. If you deny there is a God, there is NO God to forgive you. BANG!!! I know that we have spirit guides that should be helping us but if we become so hard that our vibration is too low to hear or recognize them. Evil operates at a lower vibration, raise your vibration and you will achieve more happiness, love, and satisfaction in life. Being able to manifest comes at a very high vibration and it really is an ability anyone can learn but first you must learn how to control in raise your vibration. This can often be done through medition and opening the third eye. But be very careful doing that because evil can use the third eye as a portal and you don't want to experience that, trust me. Many people ask the question of "What is the meaning of life?" Love is the answer to absolutely everything. Love does it all. It heals. It gives life. Love is the lesson to be learned. Give love and be loved as God does. God is Love. So, why is it so difficult to love everything and everyone? Because we have been conditioned to judge, be careful, don't get hurt, stay out of danger. We are conditioned to watch out for what is bad for us so that eventually, some of us only see the bad, or we see more of the bad than the Love we were born from. Now, you know more about me, the person, than some of my family knows. Take from it what you will, but don't you dare use it against me. Do not attempt to tell me I am wrong. I am free to feel as I feel and believe in what I believe in and there is no wrong in that.

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