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Purple - Pop Evil
My relationship with Lady Popular Fashion Arena began simple enough. Back in October of 2014, a few days after my birthday, I was bored so I went trolling the internet for new games to put on my laptop and found Lady Popular by accident. It was a sim game so I thought, what the hell, and was hooked from the get-go. I once thought I would never stop playing. Then came the app, which I absolutely hated so, I stopped being active. Only signing in every few weeks. Then I came back to actively playing and rebuilt my club to its former glory. I really might never stop.
But even before I played LPFA, I was already PurpleBondGirl. Its been my mantra, my tag, if you will, for years, Purple has been My color for over 52 years. Not because of Prince, not because of K-State, simply because back in the 70's it was an unpopular color just as I was an unpopular girl with a difficult name, so I embraced the color & made it my own. I've been collecting everything I can in this color ever since. I own something in every possible shade of purple there is. Even my hair and glasses are the color, Purple.
I'm not leaving the game until I absolutely can't play any longer. I have rebuilt the club I started in 2015. But I am facing some serious health issues. In the last year I have learned that my previous back issues have gotten so much worse that I am now facing surgeries and possibly more than just one or two. As this list of problems continue to grow, I look forward to the day when I can retire from retail work and play this game even more. I actually did retire to part-time in March of 2024. Now, some complications with the joints in my wrists might derail my future in this game. There's always another way to get past the pain when ignoring it is no longer enough. lol
An MRI showed that I have many prolapsed/bulging discs, 1 has nearly completely deteriorated, 2 others are deteriorating, I have serious nerve damage and stenosis at the L3. Every disk in my neck has a problem which limits how much I can turn my head.
Additional x-rays showed that I also have a slipping vertebra at the L3 and since this is where the stenosis is the worst, the latest Dr. is sure this is where my pain and nerve damage is at. He wants to put in 3 pins on each side from the L3 to the L5. He is out of his mind because due to the osteoporosis I have, this surgery would make everything worse. Instead, I have learned how to pop it back into place every time it slips out.
The first Dr. wanted to fuse the S1/L5 joint. Below is a copy of my films from 2018.
Because of this conflict in my diagnosis, I am seeking confirmation from more Dr's.
I have researched supplements and medicines. I fight my pain with mostly vitamins and supplements to my diet. I do intermittent fasting and limit my carbs and oils. I've cut back on sugar too. In the process of doing all of this over the last 2 years, most of my pain is gone or controlled. I have perfect blood pressure and no blood sugar problems either. I also cured my restless leg syndrome, which I swear is related to carbs, sugar and seed oils intake. God help me if I ever need someone else to be in charge of my care. lol
I don't want or need your pity; this information is strictly to make you understand that things can be overcome with the right amount of determination and research.
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