Club fights
Club fights have a strategy all their own and there are hundreds of ways to manage fights. I prefer to do it in a friendly way whenever possible. Now that there are achievements attached to the club fights it has become necessary to do them if these achievements are desired by the club members.
First we will talk trophies. There are very good trophies and very bad trophies. I can't begin to tell you why anyone would want to have a card trophy which, in my thinking, is a very bad trophy but some clubs do like them. The best trophies are the gold trophies that give to the club. Personally, my favorites are the Apartment trophies which give more income without doing anything. But the energy trophies and the max trophies are also very good. There are 3 levels of trophies. Bronze is the lowest, then comes Silver, then the Gold. Who wouldn't want the gold? Some clubs will win and keep one card trophy because presidents, like me, would never want one so we never try to take their other trophies, no matter how good they are. The reason the card trophies are bad is because they encourage members to spend their resources on playing the cards instead of giving to the club. Makes perfect sense, right?
A good fight strategy can take a long time to learn, especially if you want a full trophy case but you hate to lose. As a president, you have to consider many different things. - Do you have trophies to protect - Should you set an easy fight to lose fame - Should you set an easy fight to win without losing a trophy - Do you set a fight irrelevant of member participation - How many members are strong - How many members will participate - Do you need boosters - How many members will apply boosters - Do you need ammo - How much ammo will you need - Do you want a lot of fame - Or just a very little fame - Do you want a trophy - Or do you need to dump a trophy - Do you need to dump some fame - Who do you give a trophy to and do they want it - Who do you give the fame to - Will that club be upset if you dump a lot of fame on them - Will that club be upset if you dump a crappy trophy on them - How many members do they have compared to us - Are their members stronger than we are - How many of our members can be relied upon to participate - Are other clubs after your trophies - IS THIS FIGHT/TROPHY WORTH THE RISK?
Every good fight, especially when there is a trophy to win, deserves the FULL PARTICIPATION of every club member. Most clubs will kick out the members who miss a certain number of fights. For a club member to come online, once, twice or worse, three times, and never sign into a fight is considered ignoring that fight and they are promptly kicked out of the club for such a selfish or rude behavior. The member who can come online and do a fashion show, or donate to the bank, and ignore the fight completely doesn't deserve to be in my club for another minute. HOWEVER, you cannot kick out a member who has participated in a club fight that has not transpired yet. Also, club members can't leave a club if they have hit that participation button until after the fight has ended. It is the strategy, planning, and timing of the fight, by the person who sets it, that gets the desired outcome. A weak club can achieve a full trophy case of great trophies simply by using their strategy techniques. But she is only 1 person and it takes everyone, as a whole, working together, to win the best trophies, and to keep them. The strength of the club comes from the personal skills of each and every club member. If the members don't sign into the game, don't do the BP, don't collect their apt income, don't increase their skills, this will lose trophies and fights. PERIOD!!! Building the club skills is important but, to me, is less important than the individual skills of each member as a player. As a club president and owner, this is what I encourage most.
I have decided that if a member has been online and the fight is ignored, it will warrant a removal of that member, however if the fight is missed because of being absent, 3 missed fights will be allowed. If the fight is a fight to lose fame, in which some members will want the achievement credit, they will be allowed to participate, but will be discouraged to do so. Strategy can be applied to these fights also so that every member can take part to earn the credits. Undermining the club strategy will not be tolerated for any reason, so any member who tells different clubs about our strategy, will be removed immediately.
Club Fights take place in an instant. It is a completely digital occurrence and happens within the perimeters of the game scripts. It is not necessary to be online for the fight, at any time, after clicking the participation button. Once you have clicked the participation button, you are in the fight, can't leave the fight, and can't leave the club. You also can't be kicked out of the club once this button is clicked. After clicking the button, initially, you can click it at any time before the fight happens, to see who else is in it. The club being attacked, has no participation button because that club is "all in" automatically. Only the "attacking" club has a participation button.
Club Fights can only be set by the Leadership Team. There is absolutely no reason to fear retaliation or having to battle a club with your friend in it. As a member of any club, you are subject to following what the club activities are, and fights are a big and important part of being in any club. Even leaders will set fights against a club full of their friends. These club fights should never, and usually are never, taken personally. It's all about the strategy and every club has different goals they want to achieve.