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Don't Stop Me NowQueen
Club Skills Costs
There are now a total of 7 CLUB SKILLS (2020 reset)
(although hospitality is not exactly a skill)
Each skill costs the same for that particular percentage.
If your club had already made it to 50 in Hospitality, that skill stayed at 50
All other skills got reset to zero and had to be built again
All club skill prices increased tremendously.
The new skill prices are extremely high and difficult to reach without
good and generous club members so it is imperative
that you find ways to encourage donations inside of your clubs
Below is a list of skill prices
Regardless of the cost, the importance is still the same.
A club is stronger with higher skills and while club skills are important so are the Individual skills of each player.
0 - 1% $200
1 - 2% $400
2 - 3% $500
3 - 4% $600
4 - 5% $700
5 - 6% $800
6 - 7% $900
7 - 8% $1000
8 - 9% $1500
9 - 10% $2500
10 - 11% $5000
11 - 12% $10,000
12 - 13% $20,000
13 - 14% $40,000
14 - 15% $70,000
15 - 16% $100,000
16 - 17% $150,000 10
17 - 18% $200,000 15
18 - 19% $250,000 20
19 - 20% $300,000 25
20 - 21% $350,000 30
21 - 22% $400,000 35
22 - 23% $450,000 40
23 - 24% $500,000 45
24 - 25% $550,000 50
25 - 26% $600,000 60
26 - 27% $650,000 70
27 - 28% $700,000 80
28 - 29% $750,000 90
29 - 30% $800,000 100 5
30 - 31% $850,000 120 10
31 - 32% $900,000 140 15
32 - 33% $950,000 160 20
33 - 34% $1,000,000 180 25
34 - 35% $1,050,000 200 30
35 - 36% $1,100,000 220 35
36 - 37% $1,150,000 240 40
37 - 38% $1,200,000 260 45
38 - 39% $1,250,000 280 50
39 - 40% $1,300,000 300 60
40 - 41% $1,350,000 350 70
41 - 42% $1,400,000 400 80
42 - 43% $1,450,000 450 90
43 - 44% $1,500,000 500 100
44 - 45% $1,550,000 600 150
45 - 46% $1,600,000 700 200
46 - 47% $1,650,000 800 250
47 - 48% $1,700,000 900 300
48 - 49% $1,750,000 1000 350
49 - 50% $1,800,000 1500 400
I had a lot of help compiling this chart. Thank you to the following players for their contribution;
Phoebe B.
cute angel
Raylin Michelle
Katrina Grey
CREATED 09-11-2020
UPDATED 09-08-2024
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